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JoinEvent🚫BASE IS OFF🚫3/15/20251/15/20251/1/2025no whereARSingle Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN$Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]0129
JoinEventQueen Of The Hill CHAMPIONSHIP 2/1/20252/2/20252/1/2025San Marcos TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]182428
JoinEventWinter Chill2/1/20252/2/20251/27/2025HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$250Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]8542
JoinEventWINTER EXTRAVAGANZA2/1/20252/2/20251/29/2025TYLER TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Brandi Ellis(903)571-2073[email protected]2287
JoinEventBREAK THE ICE 1/25/20251/26/20251/22/2025Chandler TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$100Matthew Bright(903)952-3994[email protected]2296
JoinEventNew Year Warm Up1/25/20251/26/20251/24/2025San Antonio TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]282814
JoinEvent2025 Showdown 🥎🔥1/18/20251/19/20251/12/2025Victoria TX8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125 Bulmaro Martinez(361)223-8601[email protected]225600
JoinEventBREAK THE ICE1/18/20251/19/20251/15/2025TYLER TX8U 10U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$150Brandi Ellis(903)571-2073[email protected]0245
JoinEventKicking Off The New Year1/11/20251/12/20251/9/2025Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]121892
JoinEventNew Years Kickoff Open and C Class1/10/20251/12/20251/6/2025HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$250Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]2318
JoinEvent🔔🔔Ring in the New Year🔔🔔1/4/20251/5/202512/30/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$250Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]3466
JoinEventNEW YEAR 20251/4/20251/5/20251/2/2025CORPUS CHRISTITX8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$25Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]262105
JoinEventRing In The New Year 20251/4/20251/5/20251/2/2025San Antonio TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]1351
JoinEventBreaking The Ice12/28/202412/29/202412/26/2024Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]152944
JoinEventChristmas Toy Drive12/14/202412/15/202412/11/2024Corpus ChristiTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$100Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]271984
JoinEventPUT A SMILE ON A KIDS FACE BRING A TOY BRING 30 TOYS GET FREE ENTRY12/14/202412/15/202412/11/2024YOUNGSVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$30 TOYS FREE ENTRY OR $150Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]3989
JoinEventSoftballs Snowflakes and Santa12/14/202412/15/202412/10/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$250Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]2372
JoinEventToys for Tots12/14/202412/15/202412/11/2024ChandlerTX6U 7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketSQOPEN$100Matthew Bright(903)952-3994[email protected]0269
JoinEventWinter Warriors12/14/202412/15/202412/13/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]7468
JoinEventEND OF FALL SHOWCASE12/7/202412/8/202411/27/2024BAYTOWNTX16U 18U 3 Pool Single EliminationSCOPEN$795Derrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]171184
JoinEventGYPSIES 1ST ANNUAL TOY DRIVE SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT EACH PLAYER BRING ONE TOY ALL TOYS STAY LOCAL FOR KIDS IN NEED PUT A SMILE ON A KIDS FACE12/7/202412/8/202412/2/2024PINEVILLELA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOpen & C CLass150 Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]396309
JoinEventHOLIDAY HITS FOR HOPE TEAM BRINGS 15 TOYS WILL RECEIVE A FREE ENTRY IN FASASOUTHWEST TOURANMENT SPRING 202512/7/202412/8/202412/3/2024MONT BELVIEU TX8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLassFREE ENTRY JOIN BY DEC 1ST AFTER LATE FEE $125Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]4811
JoinEventInterstate Tournaments Presents Pancho Claus Showdown12/7/202412/8/202412/6/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]8673
JoinEventTOYS FOR TOTS Cancelled moved to November 16th12/7/202412/8/202412/5/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175.00Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]0472
JoinEventChristmas Classic11/30/202412/1/202411/26/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$250Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]5658
JoinEventFall Finale11/30/202412/1/202411/26/2024CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 11/15 $200 if after 11/15Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]4840
JoinEventCold Turkey Tournament 11/23/202411/24/202411/21/2024San Antonio TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]231626
JoinEventFastpitch Slugfest11/17/202411/17/202411/15/2024Cibolo & San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]0286
JoinEventBATTLE OF THE BATS!! NOVEMBER TO REMEMBER!! TOYS FOR TOTS - FREE ENTRY WITH A TOY DONATION FROM EACH PLAYER ON THE TEAM!!11/16/202411/17/202411/14/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150 or Free With DonationMike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]253209
JoinEventCentral Texas Showcase/Turf Fields11/16/202411/17/202411/1/2024BrenhamTX16U/18U_Combined 4 Pool Double EliminationSCOPEN$795Derrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]131357
JoinEventGive Thanks 11/16/202411/17/202411/12/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175, $200.00 if after 11/1/2024Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]91609
JoinEventSalute To Service11/16/202411/17/202411/14/2024Corpus ChristiTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]1446
JoinEventTURKEY FEST ON TURF 11/16/202411/17/202411/12/2024SCOTTLA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$125Michelle Tedder(337)849-4065[email protected]142372
JoinEventTurkey Trot Softball Spectacular11/16/202411/17/202411/13/2024RagleyLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]122882
JoinEventFastpitch Slugfest11/10/202411/10/202411/8/2024San Antonio/Cibolo TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]2347
JoinEvent⚓🪂Salute To Service ⚓💥11/9/202411/10/202411/1/2024VictoriaTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOPEN$195Bulmaro Martinez(361)223-8601[email protected]529402
JoinEvent4 X THE POINTS EVENT MVP TEAM REGIONAL REGIONALLY QUALIFIER C CLASS & OPEN CLASS DIVISIONS11/9/202411/10/202411/5/2024BRUSLYLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOpen & C CLass$175Phillip Schmidt(225)363-3290[email protected]71060
JoinEventAcadiana Cajuns 3rd Annual Fall Fest Salute to the Vets 11/9/202411/10/202411/1/2024ScottLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125Michelle Tedder(337)849-4065[email protected]314735
JoinEventCool Down11/9/202411/10/202411/6/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 10/15 $200 if after 10/15Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]112292
JoinEventFASA SOUTHWEST GULF COAST OPEN CLASS STATE TOURNAMENT11/9/202411/10/202411/4/2024GALVESTONTX13U 14U 15U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSTOPEN$150. IF PAID BY NOV 1ST AFTER LATE FEE $225Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1671
JoinEventIt is a Ring Thing 5 GG MVP Event11/9/202411/10/202411/5/2024RustonLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 11/2 after $200.00Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]91903
JoinEventTexas Turkey Trot MVP TEAM REGIONAL QUALIFER TOURNAMENT11/9/202411/10/202411/5/2024MONT BELVIEU TX7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOpen & C CLass$150 IF PAID BY NOV 1ST $200 AFTER LATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]8633
JoinEventTRI STATE FALL CHAMPIONSHIPS! MVP EVENT! 4 TIMES THE POINTS!11/9/202411/9/202411/4/2024MCCOMBMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketMVPOpen & C CLass$125-8U $150 10U-18UMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]91188
JoinEventWild Turkey11/9/202411/10/202411/7/2024Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]252498
JoinEvent🥎❄️☃️Snowball Classic☃️❄️🥎11/2/202411/2/202410/30/2024ConwayAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN275Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]364610
JoinEventC CLASS TEAMS ONLY Strike Out Hunger- Saturday ONLY11/2/202411/2/202410/29/2024MONT BELVIEU TX8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQC$75 PAID BY OCT 20TH AFTER $150Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]5672
JoinEventCAJUN EXPRESS FALL CLASSIC11/2/202411/3/202410/30/2024YOUNGSVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Cajun Express(337)280-4476[email protected]345129
JoinEventCANCELLED !!!!FALL BALL SLUG FEST!! BELT EVENT !!11/2/202411/3/202410/31/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175.00Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]6909
JoinEventInternational Tournament of Texas11/2/202411/3/202410/18/2024LorenaTX6U 8U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN75.00Chance Bacon(254)640-4300[email protected]5355
JoinEventNorth Texas Regional11/2/202411/3/202410/29/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationRQOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 10/15/2024 $200 if paid afterBobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]81297
JoinEventSOUTHEAST MO FALL SHOWCASE11/2/202411/2/202410/19/2024Cape GirardeauMO18U Round RobinSQOPEN$500Terry Schnurbusch(573)979-1194[email protected]15963
JoinEventTOP GUN CLASSIC!!!!!! DOUBLE POINT/NATIONAL BIRTH EVENT11/2/202411/3/202410/29/2024RagleyLA9U 10U 11U 12U 16U 17U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOpen & C CLass$125.00 if paid for before Oct 4th $175.00 after Oct 4th(See Event Information for Payment Options)Jordan Burks(337)849-8353[email protected]233925
JoinEventTurkey Homerun11/2/202411/3/202410/30/2024Corpus ChristiTX8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$50Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]141617
JoinEvent👻🥎12th Annual Halloween Class C🥎👻10/26/202410/26/202410/21/20248 Open, 10C, 14U Maumelle: 8C, 10 Open, Bryant: 12C, Malvern:AR8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Game BracketSQC$300 or $200 for 6&8UShannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]213279
JoinEvent🥎👻🦇🎃12th Annual Halloween Classic🎃🦇👻🥎10/26/202410/27/202410/23/20248C&10 Open Bryant: 8 Open, 10C, 14 Maumelle: 12U MalvernAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$300 6U & 8U $200Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]388342
JoinEvent3RD ANNUAL COLLEGE SHOWCASE STEALTH & LA GLORY 10/26/202410/27/202410/18/2024YOUNGSVILLELA14U 15U 16U 18U Round RobinSCOPEN$500.00 AFTER OCT 18TH LATE ENTRY FEE $600Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]233150
JoinEventBROOKHAVEN BLOWOUT-Central MS Fall State Championships10/26/202410/27/202410/23/2024BROOKHAVEN SPORTS COMPLEXMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$150 IF PAID BY 10-17 $185 AFTER Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0550
JoinEventDiamond Express Halloween Classic10/26/202410/27/202410/18/2024RagleyLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 3 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Nelda Menard(337)522-2977[email protected]71050
JoinEventFASA HALLOWEEN TENT SPOOK HOUSE & OPEN STATE & C CLASS TOURNAMENT SPLIT BRACKET10/26/202410/27/202410/23/2024CROWLEY LA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketSTOPEN & C Class$175 PAID BEFORE OCT 17TH AFTER $225Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]224114
JoinEventHallow Swing10/26/202410/27/202410/24/2024Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]433687
JoinEventHalloween Havoc10/26/202410/27/202410/23/2024Bossier City LA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 10/15/2024 $200 if paid after 10/15/204Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]425745
JoinEventHalloween Spectacular BEST DRESS TEAM & BEST DRESS COACHES WINS PRIZE10/26/202410/27/202410/22/2024MONT BELVIEUTX7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C Class$150 IF YOU PAY BY OCT 10TH AFTER $200 LATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]7968
JoinEventHalloween Terror10/26/202410/27/202410/23/2024WhitehouseTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN$100Cory Maxwell(972)977-8783[email protected]0562
JoinEventTis The Season 10/20/202410/20/202410/18/2024San Antonio TX6U 8U 10U 12U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]1242
JoinEvent 💥 BATTLE of the BATS🏏10/19/202410/19/202410/15/2024WynneAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined Double EliminationSQB$225Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]21022
JoinEvent🥎💣💥1ST ANNUAL HUDSON TURF THROWDOWN💥💣🥎10/19/202410/19/202410/11/2024HUDSONTX16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$150Devin Trotti(936)414-4858[email protected]31051
JoinEvent🥎🗽Fall State10/19/202410/20/202410/16/2024Russellville All Parks🗽🥎AR5U 6U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$375 6&8 U $275Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]376990
JoinEvent🥎🗽FASA FALL STATE CLASS C🗽🥎10/19/202410/20/202410/16/2024RussellvilleAR8U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQC$275 for 8 UShannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]51133
JoinEventCANCELLED-PARKS AND REC DEPARTMENT -VIDALIA SPORTS COMPLEX-FIELD RENOVATIONS10/19/202410/20/202410/10/2024Natchez/VidaliaMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOpen & C CLass$150Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]111067
JoinEventEast Central Community College Lady Warrior Shootout FREE Skills and Drills Session!10/19/202410/20/202410/16/2024PhiladelphiaMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class8U-FREE 10U-18U $150Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]1304
JoinEventHALLOWEEN BLOW OUT CONTEST C CLASS TEAMS ONLY 8U 10U 12U10/19/202410/20/202410/15/2024GALVESTONTX7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C Class$100. IF PAID BY OCT 10TH AFTER LATE FEE $200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]4728
JoinEventHalloween Spectacular - Team & Coach Costume Dress up to Win CASH!!!10/19/202410/20/202410/15/2024RagleyLA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 3 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]51158
JoinEventNEW FREE TEAM ENTRY HALLOWEEN TEAM & COACH DRESS UP COMPETION & TOP 4 IN EACH AGE GROUP WINS PAID BERTH TO FASA ALL-AMERICAN TEAM REGIONALS10/19/202410/20/202410/15/2024YOUNGSVILLELA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLassNEW FREE TEAM ENTRYHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]21225
JoinEventOCTOBER FEST DRESS UP - Coaches and Players dress up for awards10/19/202410/20/202410/15/2024BATON ROUGELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1667
JoinEventStrike Out Cancer10/19/202410/20/202410/18/2024KenedyTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]4507
JoinEventWalk Offs 8th Annual Fall Cajun Classic and Halloween Extravaganza10/19/202410/20/202410/17/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$175Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]274125
JoinEventSPOOKTACULAR10/18/202410/20/202410/18/2024MustangOK8U 10U 12U 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$6U-$50 8UCP-$125 10U-$150 12U-$150, 14U-200Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]30644
JoinEventHalloween Havoc 14u/18u10/13/202410/13/202410/6/2024Kenedy TX14U 18U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$120Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]0341
JoinEventSoftball Cash Prize Tournament 10/13/202410/13/202410/11/2024San Antonio TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]0377
JoinEvent🥎🐶Yella Ball Class C🐶🥎10/12/202410/13/202410/9/2024RussellvilleAR8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Game BracketSQC$000Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]102093
JoinEvent🥎🤑🐶Yella Ball in the Fall🐶🤑🥎10/12/202410/13/202410/9/2024Russellville All ParksAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$000 NO PAPShannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]6811671
JoinEventBat And Ghouls10/12/202410/13/202410/9/2024LufkinTX8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$200Josh Martin(936)553-7015[email protected]131152
JoinEventBossier is the Best10/12/202410/13/202410/8/2024Bossier CityLA6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 $225 if paid after 10/2/2024Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]0778
JoinEventHalloween Havoc 8u/10u/12u10/12/202410/12/20241/1/2024Kenedy TX8U 10U 12U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$120Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]1582
JoinEventHALLOWEEN TEAM DRESS UP COMPETITION WILL SPLIT AGE GROUPS WITH 5 TEAMS OR MORE IN AN AGE GROUP10/12/202410/13/202410/6/2024PINEVILLELA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN & C Class$150Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]274399
JoinEventKISS MY BAT10/12/202410/13/202410/10/2024PortlandTX8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]564395
JoinEventKNOCK BREAST CANCER OUT OF THE PARK10/12/202410/13/202410/8/2024BATON ROUGE AREA TBALA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]3698
JoinEventOctoberfest10/12/202410/13/202410/8/2024CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 10/1 $200 if after 10/1Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]91979
JoinEventONE DAY FALL BRAWL! NO TEAM ENTRY FEE!10/12/202410/12/202410/8/2024VicksburgMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLassFREEMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]2567
JoinEvent🤜🤛FALL BRAWL!!👑10/5/202410/5/202410/2/2024BatesvilleAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$300Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]182033
JoinEvent🥎🔥Home Runs In Hot Town🔥🥎10/5/202410/5/202410/2/2024Hot Springs Majestic ParkAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$$$275 6 & 8U $150Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]213954
JoinEvent6X Points N E Louisiana Fall Regional Qualifier Winer each age group wins paid berth to the FASA World Series 10/5/202410/6/202410/2/2024SterlingtonLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationRQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]3675
JoinEventBallin For Breast Cancer Awareness! Playing On Pinked Out Fields! 10/5/202410/6/202410/2/2024Natchez & VidaliaLA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$150Jesse Whitehead(601)807-5318[email protected]242483
JoinEventBRCC COLLEGE SHOWCASE & CAMP10/5/202410/6/20249/27/2024YOUNGSVILLE LA14U 16U 18U Round RobinSQOPEN600.00Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]182782
JoinEventBREAST CANCER AWARENESS-TRIPLE THREAT FASA TOURNAMENT10/5/202410/6/202410/1/2024BATON ROUGE AREA TBALA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]2732
JoinEventChill Out10/5/202410/6/202410/1/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 9/15/2024 $200 if paid after 9/15/2024Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]121858
JoinEventFREE TEAM ENTRY JOIN BEFORE OCT 1ST BREAST CANCER AWARENESS-TRIPLE THREAT FASA TOURNAMENT10/5/202410/6/202410/1/2024RagleyLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 3 Pool Double EliminationSQOPENFREE TEAM ENTRY JOIN BEFORE OCT 1STHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]91402
JoinEventMOVED TO YOUNGSVILL SPORTS COMPLEX BEST DRESS BROOM STICK YES BEST DREES UP YOUR BROOM STICK TOP 4 WINS 2 PAID ENTRY 5GG ON TURF10/5/202410/5/202410/2/2024YOUNGSVILLELA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN $200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]92262
JoinEventOctober to Remember-FREE Team Entry10/5/202410/6/202410/1/2024PhiladelphiaMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLassFREE-FREE-FREEMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0240
JoinEventOktoberfest10/5/202410/6/202410/4/2024San Antonio TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]3239
JoinEventPLAY 4 PINK10/5/202410/6/202410/4/2024MustangOK6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$6U-$50 8UCP-$125 10U-$150 12U-$150, 14U-200Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]14334
JoinEventUNDER THE RADAR INVITATIONAL10/5/202410/6/20249/28/2024BaytownTX16U 18U Round RobinSCOPEN$795Derrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]9753
JoinEvent🥎🦆Ducks on the Pond- C-Class🦆🥎9/28/20249/28/20249/25/20246, 8, 10U Open @Conway, 12U @Bryant, 16/18, 14, and 10UC @ MaumelleAR8U 10U 3 Game BracketSQC$275 6&8u- $175.00Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]131564
JoinEvent🥎🦆Ducks on the Pond🦆🥎9/28/20249/28/20249/25/20246, 8, 10U Open @Conway, 12U @Bryant, 16/18, 14, and 10UC @ MaumelleAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$$275 6 & 8U $175Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]6210674
JoinEvent🥎RAMPAGE!!🤕9/28/20249/28/20249/25/2024Heber SpringsAR8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]0653
JoinEventBRCC College 2nd Annual Clinic/Fall Classic Tournament-FREE Clinic to those participating in the tournament9/28/20249/29/20249/22/2024YOUNGSVILLE LA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOpen & C CLass $200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]143170
JoinEventElite Invitational 5GG Your Team must receive an Invitation to join this event9/28/20249/28/20249/24/2024RustonLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]91859
JoinEventFall Classic9/28/20249/29/20249/26/2024San Antonio TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]211189
JoinEventFASA Fall Fest9/28/20249/29/20249/24/2024RustonLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 200 if paid after 9/15/2024Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]6951
JoinEventFREE TEAM ENTRY FALL FRENZY SOFTBALL CLASSIC TURF FIELDS9/28/20249/29/20249/1/2024BATON ROUGELA8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLassFREE TEAM ENTRY SAVE Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]41174
JoinEventSeptember TO Remember at Kennedy 9/28/20249/28/20249/26/2024San Antonio TX16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]2471
JoinEventST JUDES FUNDRASIER9/28/20249/29/20249/24/2024PINEVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$275 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]142807
JoinEventSTX BATTLE of the BATS 9/28/20249/29/20249/20/2024Kenedy TX10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]71128
JoinEvent💥🥎💥🥎💥🥎💥🥎💥🥎SEPTEMBER SLAM💥🥎💥🥎💥🥎💥🥎💥🥎💥🥎9/21/20249/22/20249/18/2024Lufkin TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Devin Trotti(936)414-4858[email protected]51858
JoinEvent🥎🥇B Town Showdown🥇🥎9/21/20249/21/20249/18/2024Bald KnobAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275 6 & 8U $175Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]203254
JoinEvent🥎Sombrero Fest 🤠🥎Rings 💍 /MVP 🏅 /Music🎶9/21/20249/22/20249/16/2024Victoria TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN$195Bulmaro Martinez(361)223-8601[email protected]2112431
JoinEvent5 GG Go Gold 🎗️ for Childhood Cancer Awareness 9/21/20249/22/20249/17/2024BAYTOWN / MONT BELVIEUTX8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 3 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]71100
JoinEventBEACH BLAST ON TURF FIELDS9/21/20249/22/20249/16/2024GALVESTONTX13U 14U 15U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$100 PAY BY SEPT 10TH LATE FEE AFTER SEPT 10TH $200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1474
JoinEventCALL TO BE ADDED ST JUDES 100% TEAM ENTRY DONATED TO ST JUDES PLAYING FOR THE RIGHT REASONS ON NEW TURF FIELDS PLUS 5 GG TRIPLE POINT EVENT JUDES 109/21/20249/22/20249/15/2024SCOTT PARKLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketRQOPEN & C Class$100 ENTRY DONATED TO ST JUDESHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]92487
JoinEventCTX Fall Showcase9/21/20249/22/20249/15/2024AxtellTX14U 16U 18U 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$550.00Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]4709
JoinEventDiamond Express Fall Softball Classic9/21/20249/22/20249/13/2024RagleyLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Nelda Menard(337)522-2977[email protected]192378
JoinEventFall Fest9/21/20249/22/20249/18/2024PortlandTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$50Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]423091
JoinEventInterState Texas Elite9/21/20249/22/20249/17/2024KenedyTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]131934
JoinEventSeptember Sizzler In The River City9/21/20249/22/20249/18/2024VicksburgMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLassFREE-FREE-FREEMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]1444
JoinEventSeptember to Remember9/21/20249/22/20249/17/2024Bossier City LA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 9/16/2024 $200 if paid after 9/1/2024Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]203639
JoinEventJR Memorial 9/20/20249/22/20249/18/2024MustangOK6U 8U 10U 12U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$6U-$50 8UCP-$125 10U-$150 12U-$150 Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]29497
JoinEvent💪 Border WARS! AR/TN/ MO👊9/14/20249/15/20249/12/2024Marion AR3 Game BracketSQOPEN$300Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]0334
JoinEvent🥎🔥🕔softball Saturday🔥🥎9/14/20249/14/20249/11/2024Hot Springs Majestic ParkAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$200Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]101575
JoinEventALL GAMES WILL BE PLAYED IN BREAUX BRIDGE ON TURF MEGA GIVE AWAY NIT DOUBLE POINT9/14/20249/15/20249/10/2024BREAUX BRIDGELA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketRQOPEN & C Class$175 PAID BEFORE SEPT 1ST AFTER $225Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]193298
JoinEventBest of the Best9/14/20249/15/20249/11/2024RustonLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Dane Massey(318)557-6624[email protected]2556
JoinEventCANCELLED DUE TO HURRICANE - ONE DAY!! American Cancer Society Relay for Life Benefit Tournament 9/14/20249/14/20249/12/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$100Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]71601
JoinEventCANCELLED-STRIKE OUT CHILD ABUSE BENEFIT TOURNAMENT! CENTRAL MS OPENING WEEKEND! 4X THE POINTS! MVP EVENT! 9/14/20249/15/20249/11/2024VicksburgMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$150 10-18U $75 8UMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]7637
JoinEventCBC Fall Bash9/14/20249/15/20249/9/2024Conway ArAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Keith Hinson(501)733-3553[email protected]8010117
JoinEventFall Fest9/14/20249/15/20249/10/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$225 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]6793
JoinEventMakenzie Faith Farlow Memorial9/14/20249/15/20249/10/2024CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]122745
JoinEventSeptember TO Remember 9/14/20249/15/20249/12/2024Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]111525
JoinEventWESTERN DAYS9/14/20249/15/20249/10/2024MustangOK6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$6U-$50 8UCP-$125 10U-$150 12U-$150 14U-$200Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]24344
JoinEvent💣BOMBS AWAY!💥🧨9/7/20249/7/20249/4/2024Heber SpringsAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]7847
JoinEvent🥎❤️‍🩹Remember 911❤️‍🩹🥎9/7/20249/7/20249/4/2024Russellville PV/ShilohAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$$275 6 & 8U $175Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]384768
JoinEvent5 GG ALL-AMERICAN SOFTBALL CLASSIC 9/7/20249/8/20249/3/2024MONT BELVIEUTX6U 7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOpen & C CLass$200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]111999
JoinEventBack To The 80 s9/7/20249/7/20249/6/2024San Antonio TX9U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$80Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]1320
JoinEventBack To The 80 s at The Railyard9/7/20249/8/20249/6/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$80Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]9713
JoinEventBEST OF THE WEST!!!!!!!!! DOUBLE POINT/NATIONAL BIRTH EVENT9/7/20249/8/20249/2/2024DeRidderLA8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C Class$100.00 (See Event Information for Payment Options)Jordan Burks(337)849-8353[email protected]0956
JoinEventFall Classic (PAID BERTH TO THE BEACHES 1st thru 4th)9/7/20249/8/20249/3/2024SpringTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$250Derrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]81097
JoinEventFall Kickoff9/7/20249/8/20249/5/2024Bossier CityLA6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 if paid by 9/2, $200.00 if paid after 9/2Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]224083
JoinEventFASA Fall Kick Off-NO ENTRY FEE9/7/20249/8/20249/4/2024PhiladelphiaMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLassFREE-FREE-FREEMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0293
JoinEventLADY BENGALS SOFTBALL CLASSIC CLINIC STARTING @ 9:00 A M TILL NOON 9/7/20249/8/20249/4/2024CROWLEYLA8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOpen & C CLass$175 BEFORE AUG 15TH AFTER $200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]163468
JoinEventNo Hitter On The River!9/7/20249/8/20249/4/2024Natchez/VidaliaMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$150Jesse Whitehead(601)807-5318[email protected]121369
JoinEventSEPTEMBER SPECTACULAR SOFTBALL9/7/20249/8/20249/3/2024BATON ROUGE AREA TBALA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1694
JoinEventWe Remember 9/7/20249/8/20249/1/2024Kenedy TX8U 12U 14U 18O 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$130Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]1751
JoinEvent🏆 Labor Day LOCKDOWN!!🥎🇺🇸8/31/20248/31/20248/28/2024WynneAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]0529
JoinEvent🥎🏫🎒Back To School🎒🏫🥎8/31/20248/31/20248/28/2024Hot Springs Majestic ParkAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275 6 & 8U $175Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]233868
JoinEventCANCELED ALL-AMERICAN TEAM REGIONAL QUALIFIER DIAMONDS ON THE BEACH TURF FIELDS8/31/20249/1/20248/27/2024GALVESTONTX7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOpen & C CLass150.00Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]51045
JoinEventCANCELLED!!! ALL WORLD Player COMPETITION SEE LINKS IN NOTES TO SIGN UP8/31/20249/1/20248/23/2024Ocean SpringsMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U MVPCAMPMVPWSOPEN & C Class$75 BY AUG 10, $150 UNTIL 8/20Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]12334
JoinEventDOG DAYS OF SUMMER SOFTBALL BASH8/31/20249/1/20248/27/2024BATON ROUGE AREA TBALA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1652
JoinEventLabor Day Tournament 8/31/20248/31/20248/30/2024San Antonio TX14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]0224
JoinEventLabor Day Tournament At Railyard8/31/20248/31/20248/29/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 11U 12U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]4289
JoinEventLADY SNIPERS LABOR DAY FALL KICK OFF FUNDRAISER DOUBLE POINT EVENT8/31/20249/1/20248/27/2024EUNICELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]61796
JoinEvent🧨🎇🧨🎇🧨🎇🧨🎇XPLOSIONS 7TH ANNUAL RED WHITE BOOM 🎇🧨🎇🧨🎇🧨🎇🧨🎇🧨8/30/20249/1/20248/6/2024LufkinTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$225Devin Trotti(936)414-4858[email protected]479469
JoinEvent🥊Rumble in the Ville🥎🏆8/24/20248/24/20248/21/2024BatesvilleAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]223094
JoinEventBack To School Bash8/24/20248/25/20248/22/2024Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]92470
JoinEventHouston Metro Summer Innovational8/24/20248/25/20248/15/2024Houston MetroTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$180 if paid by 8/15/2024 $200 if paid afterBobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]2810
JoinEventLights out 36 Tournament8/24/20248/25/20248/20/2024YoungsvilleLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Amber Leblanc(337)207-1338[email protected]91712
JoinEvent🥎💐Softball for Sarah💐🥎8/17/20248/18/20248/14/2024BryantAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]283795
JoinEvent🥎🔥🥎🔥🥎🔥🥎🔥Nacogdoches Heater🥎🔥🥎🔥🥎🔥🥎🔥8/17/20248/18/20248/15/2024NacogdochesTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Devin Trotti(936)414-4858[email protected]254410
JoinEventSeguin Classic Showcase8/17/20248/18/20248/1/2024SeguinTX16U 18U 3 Pool Single EliminationSCOPEN$550.00Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]31356
JoinEventSummer Sizzler Open and C Class8/17/20248/18/20248/14/2024Houston MetroTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$$180 if paid by 7/15/2024Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]1551
JoinEventCANCELED OKLAHOMA MVP ALL STATE COMPETITION8/16/20248/18/20248/9/2024MUSTANGOK8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSMVPOPEN & C Class$75Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0530
JoinEvent🥎 BEAT the HEAT🔥8/10/20248/10/20248/7/2024BatesvilleAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined Select FormatSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]1445
JoinEvent2025 Season Kickoff8/10/20248/11/20248/5/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$225 no gate feeBobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]0566
JoinEventBACK TO SCHOOL8/10/20248/11/20248/7/2024PortlandTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]383067
JoinEventBack to School Summer Slam8/10/20248/11/20248/3/2024VictoriaTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined Select FormatSQOPEN$75Bulmaro Martinez(361)223-8601[email protected]101835
JoinEventSummer cash days8/10/20248/11/20248/1/2024BaytownTX10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$350Levi Horton(832)210-8011[email protected]101371
JoinEventCANCELED IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLAY IN GALVESTON AUG 2ND 3RD WEEKEND JOIN NOW WEST TEXAS ALL STATE MVP COMPETITION8/9/20248/11/20248/1/2024KENNDYTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSMVPOpen & C CLass$75Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]11058
JoinEventCANCELLED -MVP STATE TEXAS GULF COAST8/2/20248/4/20247/25/2024GALVESTONTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSMVPOPEN & C Class$75Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]5472530
JoinEventBack To School7/27/20247/28/20247/23/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$150Veronica Balboa(832)899-0167[email protected]3792
JoinEventCANCELED SUMMER HEAT ONE DAY SATURDAY ONLY7/27/20247/27/20247/21/2024ScottLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$75 PAID BEFORE JULY 17TH AFTER $175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]6918
JoinEventEnd Of Summer Showcase/Text for waiting list 281-857-43477/27/20247/28/20247/22/2024SpringTX16U 18U 3 Pool Single EliminationSCOPEN$750Derrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]412095
JoinEventSummer Slam7/27/20247/28/20247/27/2024KenedyTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]61035
JoinEventFASA World Series 8U, 10U, & 12U Open and C Class in separate Brackets7/22/20247/28/20247/12/2024BransonMO5U 6U 7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 3 Pool 3 Game BracketWSOPEN & C CLASS$650Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]2013465
JoinEvent💥Jacking Bombs In July💥7/20/20247/21/20247/19/2024NacogdochesTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$$175Devin Trotti(936)414-4858[email protected]213422
JoinEventBATS BY THE BEACH7/20/20247/21/20247/17/2024Corpus ChristiTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]251926
JoinEventFASA SHOWCASE 2-CANCELLED7/20/20247/20/20247/13/2024Cape GirardeauMO16U/18U_Combined Round RobinSQOPEN$500Terry Schnurbusch(573)979-1194[email protected]2395
JoinEventHOT HOT HOT7/19/20247/21/20247/15/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQC$160Veronica Balboa(832)899-0167[email protected]0702
JoinEventMid-Summer Exposure/ Turf Fields7/19/20247/21/20247/12/2024BrenhamTX16U/18U_Combined 3 Pool Single EliminationSCOPEN$795Derrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]141587
JoinEvent🥎🎢FASA OPEN NATIONAL 🎢🥎7/16/20247/21/20247/10/2024HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARKAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Pool Double EliminationNTOPEN$675Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]364189
JoinEvent🎢🧤🥎FASA C Nationals🛶⛳🥎7/15/20247/21/20247/9/2024Hot Springs National ParkAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Pool Double EliminationNTOPEN$675 6u and 8U $475Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]3546392
JoinEventFASA World Series 14U, 16U, & 18U Open and C Class in separate Brackets7/15/20247/21/20247/5/2024BransonMO14U 16U 18U 3 Pool Double EliminationWSOPEN & C CLASS$650Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]2710148
JoinEventFastpitch Slugfest7/13/20247/14/20247/12/2024KenedyTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]232011
JoinEventSizzlin Summer Showdown 🔥7/13/20247/14/20247/9/2024VictoriaTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$150Bulmaro Martinez(361)223-8601[email protected]194674
JoinEventCinderella Classic7/12/20247/14/20243/1/2024Elyria and nearbyOH9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U 18U OtherSQOPEN$525 PLUS $60 gate feeSteven Fee(724)510-5305[email protected]15632
JoinEventGULF COAST NATIONALS OPEN AND C CLASS7/8/20247/14/20246/17/2024GALVESTONTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNTOPEN & C Class$400 BY MAY 22ND AFTER $500Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]3512898
JoinEvent🎇🥎LET FREEDOM RING🥎🎇7/6/20247/7/20247/3/2024HOT SPRINGSAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationRQOPEN$350Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]193882
JoinEvent🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🥎HITTIN N DA HEAT🥎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥7/6/20247/7/20247/3/2024LUFKINTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQMVP$175Devin Trotti(936)414-4858[email protected]132578
JoinEventCollege Classic7/6/20247/7/20247/3/2024Batesville AR16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$300Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]151782
JoinEventFASA SHOWCASE 1-CANCELLED7/6/20247/6/20246/22/2024Cape GirardeauMO16U/18U_Combined Round RobinSQOPEN$500Terry Schnurbusch(573)979-1194[email protected]3492
JoinEventLOUISIANA MVP ALL-STATE 7/3/20247/6/20241/21/2024YOUNGSVILLE LA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSMVPMVP$75Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]03809
JoinEvent🇺🇸Stars 🎆 Strikes6/29/20246/30/20246/25/20248U - 12U Willis, 14U- 18U HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$250 No Gate FeeBobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]343927
JoinEvent🌍🥎WORLD SERIES WARM UP🌍🥎6/29/20246/29/20246/26/2024BRYANTAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN$275Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]344302
JoinEventAll-Star State(drafted leagues on. Cancelled ly)6/29/20246/30/20246/23/2024Magnolia TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 2 Pool Double EliminationSTFASA REC$150Steve Tutt(903)754-9958[email protected]101385
JoinEventCANCEL NATIONAL WARM UP & MVP TOURNAMENT6/29/20246/30/20246/23/2024MONT BELVIEUTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOpen & C CLass175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]4893
JoinEventFASA FIRECRACKER NATIONSL WARM UP6/29/20246/30/20246/25/2024WalkerLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]11761
JoinEventSTX Bracket Battle6/29/20246/30/20246/26/2024Kenedy TX10U 12U 14U 18O 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN150.00Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]2617
JoinEventTournament of Champions Invitation Only6/29/20246/30/20246/22/2024Bossier CityLA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]52488
JoinEventWorld Series Warm up Open and C Brackets6/29/20246/30/20246/25/2024Bossier CityLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketNITOPEN & C CLASS$175 FREE IF ENTERED BY 5/1/2024Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]283986
JoinEventWorld Series Warm Ups 5GG6/29/20246/30/20246/27/2024HoumaLA10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN$150Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]233505
JoinEvent🥎MIDNIGHT SLAM🥎6/28/20246/30/20246/24/2024NacogdochesTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Jared Lucas(936)554-7728[email protected] 243356
JoinEventFIRECRACKER CLASSIC6/28/20246/30/20246/21/2024MustangOK6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationMVPOPEN6U-$50-8UCP-$125, 10U-$150, 12U-$150, 14U-200Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]391271
JoinEventFASA GULF COAST BEACH BLAST WORLD SERIES OPEN AND C IN SEPARATE BRACKETS6/25/20246/30/20246/20/2024OCEAN SPRINGS/BILOXIMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketWSOPEN & C Class$650FASA National Office Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]2616010
JoinEventChristine Lee Memorial Alzheimer Benefit6/23/20246/24/20246/16/2024Elyria and N. RidgevilleOH9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$495 plus $50 donation to Alzhiemer foundationSteven Fee(724)510-5305[email protected]0684
JoinEvent🥇🥎FASA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP🥎🥇6/22/20246/23/20246/19/2024RUSSELLVILLEAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSTOPEN$375 6U & 8U $200Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]4810584
JoinEventCanceled no Complex C Class~ Warm🥎up for Nationals 6/22/20246/23/20246/19/2024TBATX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$125Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]13872
JoinEventCanceled NO Complex Check out Format~ Warm🥎up for Nationals 6/22/20246/23/20246/18/2024Splendora TX8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175~No gate Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]15988
JoinEventCanceled Team appreciation Free entry6/22/20246/22/20246/22/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationRQOPEN & C CLASS00Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]121689
JoinEventCancelled-Micah s Mission All Star Rec6/22/20246/22/20246/19/2024VicksburgMS6U 8U 10U 12U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQCREC$6U-8U $125, 10U-18U $250 NO Pay At PlateMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]1102
JoinEventCancelled-MICAH S MISSION BENEFIT TOURNAMENT6/22/20246/22/20246/19/2024VICKSBURGMS6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$6U-8U &75, $150-10U-18UMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]2270
JoinEventFASA STATE OPEN6/22/20246/23/20246/20/2024RussellvilleAR8U 12U 2 Pool Double EliminationSTOPEN$375Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]151764
JoinEvent⚜️ ⚜️ Louisiana Fleur De Lis Class C State Championship ⚜️ ⚜️6/21/20246/23/20246/17/2024BREAUX BRIDGELA6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSTOPEN & C CLASS$200Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]366102
JoinEventFASA SOUTHWEST NATIONALS OPEN and C CLASS 100% TURF FIELDS6/18/20246/23/20246/3/2024PORTLAND TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 3 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketNTOPEN & C Class$400.00 AFTER MAY 15 $500Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]5516745
JoinEventHIGH Intensity HEAT!6/15/20246/16/20246/12/2024Heber SpringsAR6U 8U 10U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]142291
JoinEventPLEASE EMAIL OR CALL TO ENTER STARS OVER TEXAS6/15/20246/16/20246/11/2024MONT BELVIEUTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$250 NO GATE FEE BY JUNE 10TH AFTER JUNE 10 ENTRY FEE $300 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]132614
JoinEventSouth Arkansas Mulerider Classic6/15/20246/16/20246/11/2024MagnoliaAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Jason Anderson(256)702-2384[email protected]202225
JoinEventState 16 18 Pool6/15/20246/15/20241/1/2024Youngsville-Select State-16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]13213
JoinEventSummer League At Kennedy Sports Complex 6/15/20247/26/20246/14/2024San AntonioTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined OtherSQOPEN$300Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]16958
JoinEventSummer Sizzler6/15/20246/16/20246/13/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]111744
JoinEvent⚜️ ⚜️ Louisiana Fleur De Lis State Championship ⚜️ ⚜️6/14/20246/16/20246/10/2024YoungsvilleLA8U 10U 12U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSTOPEN & C CLASS$200Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]488036
JoinEventBig 6/14/20246/16/20245/24/2024Piegon Forge Tn TN2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$John Holland (865)809-6153[email protected]6765
JoinEventBRING THE HEAT6/14/20246/16/20246/5/2024MustangOK8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined OtherMVPOPEN8U-$125, 10U/12U-$150, 14U-$200, 16/18U-$250Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]7665
JoinEventNationals Warm up ~ Sign up in Mt Bellview ~6/14/20246/16/20246/10/2024TBDTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$225Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]6817
JoinEventONE DAY BLOW OUT ON THE BEACH SUNDAY ONLY 6/9/20246/9/20246/5/2024GALVESTONTX10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Single EliminationNITOPEN$125.00 Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0621
JoinEvent STATE BEACH BLOW OUT ON TURF 6/8/20246/8/20246/4/2024GALVESTONTX12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSTOPEN275 NO GATE FEE PAY BEFORE JUNE 1ST AFTER ENTRY $300Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]91881
JoinEvent🏊🍕🥎4TH ANNUAL BATESVILLE BEACH BLAST🏊🍕🥎6/8/20246/9/20246/5/2024BATESVILLEAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$300 6U & 8U $175Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]243110
JoinEvent8U Only Summer Slam - Free Entry6/8/20246/9/20246/6/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPENFreeMike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]7962
JoinEventAlamo City College Showcase 6/8/20246/9/20245/29/2024San Antonio TX16U 18U Round RobinSQSC$450Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]2563
JoinEventFASA STATE WARM-UP ON TURF6/8/20246/9/20246/4/2024LAKE CHARLESLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]41610
JoinEventLOUISIANA ALL STAR LEAGUES & C CLASS & OPEN SPILT BRACKETS SUMMER SIZZLER SOFTBALL6/8/20246/9/20246/4/2024WalkerLA8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN & C Class175Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]162402
JoinEventMOVED ALL TEAMS TO WALKER FASA STATE WARM-UP PLUS A MVP TOURNAMENT ON TURF 3 X POINT WEEKEND6/8/20246/9/20245/30/2024BATON ROUGELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]01942
JoinEventMOVED TO SCOTT PARK STATE WARM UP DOUBLE POINT WEEKEND 5 GG 60 MIN POOL 75 MIN BRACKET6/8/20246/9/20246/3/2024BROUSSARDLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketRQOPEN175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]51479
JoinEventOPEN FASA Summer State~5GG OPEN CLASS6/8/20246/9/20246/1/2024SPRINGTX8U 10U 12U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSTOPEN $250 NO GATE FEE AFTER May 29th $300Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]244065
JoinEventSchools Out Free if entered by 5/1/20246/8/20246/9/20246/6/2024MarshallTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]111446
JoinEventTRI STATE ALL STAR SHOOTOUT6/8/20246/8/20246/5/2024VICKSBURGMS6U 8U 10U 12U 18U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQCREC$6U-8U $125, 10U-18U $250Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0225
JoinEventALL STAR/REC TOURNAMENT6/7/20246/9/20246/2/2024CarthageTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQFASA REC$150.00Steve Tutt(903)754-9958[email protected]423436
JoinEventCARY FLANAGAN MEMORIAL REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP6/7/20246/9/20245/30/2024Cape GirardeauMO10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationRQOPEN$575Terry Schnurbusch(573)979-1194[email protected]7646
JoinEventCENLA CAPTIAL STATE WARM UP6/7/20246/8/20246/3/2024PINEVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$275 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]2756
JoinEventFASA FASTPITCH ALL-STAR & C CLASS ONLY6/7/20246/9/20246/3/2024SCOTTLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQCREC$150Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0875
JoinEventRegional Qualifier6/7/20246/9/20246/1/2024MustangOK8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationMVPOPEN & C Class$250Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]4642
JoinEvent🐶🥎10TH ANNUAL YELLA BALL CLASSIC🥎🐶6/1/20246/2/20246/1/2024HOT SPRINGS/RUSSELLVILLEAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game Split BracketSQOPEN & C Class$0000Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]789969
JoinEventBringing On The Heat6/1/20246/2/20245/30/2024Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]3959
JoinEventCAJUN EXPRESS SUMMER CLASSIC6/1/20246/2/20245/28/2024LAFAYETTE LA6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$175Cajun Express(337)280-4476[email protected]285372
JoinEventCANCELED DUE TO RAIN OUT GULF COAST STATE C CLASS ONLY MVP FOR POOL & BARCKET GAMES 3 X POINT EVENT NO GATE FEE6/1/20246/2/20245/29/2024Mont Belvieu TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSTC$275 NO GATE FEE AFTER MAY 27TH ENTRY FEE $300Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]132047
JoinEventCTX Summer Kick Off6/1/20246/2/20245/28/2024AxtellTX10U 12U 14U 18O 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$175.00Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]6767
JoinEventDE Summer Blast6/1/20246/2/20245/25/2024AlexandriaLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$$$$$175Nelda Menard(337)522-2977[email protected]121311
JoinEventDIAMOND DUAL-lOUISIANA STATE WARM uP6/1/20246/2/20245/28/2024WalkerLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0473
JoinEventJune Jam Free if signed up by April 15th6/1/20246/2/20245/28/2024MarshallTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]11806
JoinEventPLAYING IN THE PARK6/1/20246/2/20245/25/2024PerryvilleMO10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$475Terry Schnurbusch(573)979-1194[email protected]10783
JoinEventShine Like a Star MVP Event6/1/20246/2/20245/26/2024HumbleTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$200Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]2682
JoinEventSummer Tune Up6/1/20246/2/20245/30/2024San Antonio TX6U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]4680
JoinEventSummer Tune Up6/1/20246/2/20245/30/2024Kenedy TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]121453
JoinEventTURF FIELDS FASA Summer State~5GG 70 Min Bracket 6/1/20246/2/20245/29/2024GALVESTONTX10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSTOPEN $275 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]112273
JoinEventWALK OFFS 7th ANNUAL SPRING CAJUN CLASSIC - RING/BELT EVENT - MVP AWARDS - NIT DOUBLE YOUR POINTS6/1/20246/2/20245/30/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 14U 15U 16U 18O 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOPEN$150Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]254470
JoinEvent22nd annual Maple Leaf 5/31/20246/2/20245/25/2024Streetsboro and RootstownOH9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 18U OtherSQOPEN$525 plus $50 prepay main.Steven Fee(724)510-5305[email protected]27786
JoinEvent🦅 🦅 29th Annual Mizuno Ark-La-Tex Challenge 🦅 🦅5/25/20245/26/20245/21/2024Bossier CityLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationRQOPEN & C CLASS$200Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]708874
JoinEvent2024 FASA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS (TEAM SET (12) OF FULL SUB JERSEYS FOR EVERY TEAM THAT REGISTERS)5/25/20245/26/20245/23/2024McAllenTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 3 Pool Double EliminationSTOPEN$250Carlos Rosales(956)222-6703[email protected]201404
JoinEvent8th Annual Memorial Classic5/25/20245/26/20241/1/2023North Ridgeville,OH9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$485 plus $50 prepay gateSteven Fee(724)510-5305[email protected]0521
JoinEventCANECLED MEMORIAL DAY BLAST ON TURF5/25/20245/26/20245/21/2024LAKE CHARLESLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]101212
JoinEventJust BRING it!!!5/25/20245/26/20245/22/2024WynneAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]202245
JoinEventMVP EVENT! BRING YOUR BEST TO BROOKHAVEN! DOUBLE POINTS WEEKEND!5/25/20245/26/20245/22/2024BROOKHAVENMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$125Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]1367
JoinEventPLACE CALL OR EMAIL TO BE ADDED ON WAITING LIST 3RD ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY CHALLENGE ON THE BEACH OKLAHOMA LOUISIANA ARKANSAS TEXAS MISSISSIPPI LASSIE LEAGUE Turf Fields5/25/20245/26/20245/19/2024GALVESTONTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined Double Elimination Split BracketNITOPEN & C ClassBY MAY 3RD $275.00 ENTRY NO GATE FEE MAY 4TH ENTRY FEE $300Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]466791
JoinEventSOUTH MS SHOOTOUT-FREE-REGISTER BY 4/25!5/25/20245/26/20245/22/2024WIGGINSMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C ClassFREE-REGISTER BY 4/25!Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0267
JoinEventStan Maley5/25/20245/26/20245/22/2024Canfield,OH9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$485Steven Fee(724)510-5305[email protected]21496
JoinEventSWING INTO SUMMER5/25/20245/26/20245/21/2024WalkerLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0464
JoinEventMemorial Bash ~70 Min Games5/24/20245/26/20245/22/2024SpringTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$180Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]122579
JoinEventSTX Spring Madness5/19/20245/19/20245/16/2024Kenedy TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$130Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]91480
JoinEvent🎗️🏹PITCH FOR MITCH🏹🎗️5/18/20245/19/20245/15/2024RUSSELLVILLEAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketSQOPEN000000000Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]415774
JoinEvent10U May Showdown Slam (Turf Fields)5/18/20245/19/20245/13/2024Little ElmTX10U 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$250Adam Lopez(915)667-4653[email protected]0204
JoinEventBeast Mode5/18/20245/19/20245/16/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$175Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]151899
JoinEventBorder Wars5/18/20245/19/20241/30/2023AustintownOH9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$485Steven Fee(724)510-5305[email protected]49648
JoinEventC Class~ May 🥎 Slide Out5/18/20245/19/20245/14/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN & C CLASS$195~No Gate Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]171944
JoinEventCAJUN EXPRESS MID-SUMMER CLASSIC5/18/20245/19/20245/14/2024YOUNGSVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$175Cajun Express(337)280-4476[email protected]324952
JoinEventCancelled5/18/20245/18/20245/13/2024MarionAR8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined Select FormatSQOPEN$225 ($100 gate fee per team)Scott Shankle(870)243-6123[email protected]4517
JoinEventCANCELLED - Bombin Da Bayou - MVP EVENT!!!5/18/20245/19/20245/16/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$75Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]71643
JoinEventCTX Swing into Spring5/18/20245/18/20245/13/2024AxtellTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]1711
JoinEventDE Summer Kickoff5/18/20245/19/20245/12/2024AlexandriaLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C Class$175Nelda Menard(337)522-2977[email protected]91101
JoinEventEast Texas Showdown free if entered by 4/1/20245/18/20245/19/20245/14/2024CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]202845
JoinEventESCAPE TO CAPE-Canceled 5/18/20245/19/20245/4/2024Cape GirardeauMO12U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$475Terry Schnurbusch(573)979-1194[email protected]0249
JoinEventFASA MAY MAYHEM Supporting Ronald McDonald House of Louisiana 5GG5/18/20245/19/20245/14/2024WALKERLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0489
JoinEventMidnight Madness 5/18/20245/19/20245/16/2024Pearsall TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN$200Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]6512
JoinEventMOVED ALL C CLASS TEAMS TO HUMBLE LINDSE LYONS SPORTS COMPLEX STARS OVER USA STATE WARM UP C CLASS & OPEN SEPARATE BRACKETS NIT DOUBLE POINT EVENT5/18/20245/19/20245/14/2024MONT BELVIEUTX7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN & C Class175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]81389
JoinEventRec/All Star One Day Warm-up Tournament5/18/20245/18/20245/10/2024HendersonTX6U 8U 10U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQFASA REC$150Marianne Nichols(903)646-3881[email protected]6624
JoinEventCancelled 5/17/20245/19/20244/30/2024Piegon Forge Tn TN8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$John Holland (865)809-6153[email protected]3428
JoinEventPLAYING FOR MOM ONE DAY SUNDAY ONLY ON TURF 5/12/20245/12/20245/7/2024BATON ROUGELA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationNITOPEN$100Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1735
JoinEventSwing For MOM5/12/20245/12/20245/10/2024KenedyTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]4861
JoinEvent LA GLORY SOFTBALL CLASSIC 5 GG MVP TOURNAMENT 4 X POINT WEEKEND & PLAY ON 100% TURF FIELDS5/11/20245/12/20245/7/2024CROWLEYLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]398167
JoinEvent😎😎Moms Day in the Park 😎 😎 MVP Event Saturday Only5/11/20245/11/20245/7/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 1 Pool Double EliminationMVPOPEN & C CLASS$125Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]21032
JoinEvent10TH ANNUAL FOR THE LOVE OF MOM5/11/20245/11/20245/8/2024BALD KNOBAR6U 8U 12U 14U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]213663
JoinEvent16/18U- Mothers Day Saturday One Day!! Play for Mom on Saturday to spend time with her Sunday!!!5/11/20245/11/20245/9/2024HoumaLA14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$75Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]61586
JoinEventBEACH BLAST ON TURF FIELDS- Saturday Only-Take Mom to the beach on Sunday5/11/20245/11/20245/8/2024GALVESTONTX8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$250 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]3883
JoinEventMay Mayhem5/11/20245/12/20245/8/2024Rootstown and SreetsboroOH9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$485.00 plus $50 Steven Fee(724)510-5305[email protected]33432
JoinEventMom s Life Tournament 5/11/20245/12/20245/10/2024San Antonio TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]3658
JoinEventMOTHER DAY LOUISIANA STATE CHALLENGE ONE DAY SATURDAY ONLY 5/11/20245/11/20245/7/2024PRAIRIEVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationNITOPEN$100Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]51832
JoinEventMOTHER DAYS MVP 4 X POINTS TOURNAMENT NO GATE FEE5/11/20245/12/20245/6/2024SPRINGTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketMVPOPEN & C Class$250 NO GATE FEEDerrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]183324
JoinEventPICK YOUR DAY PLAY ONE DAY OR BOTH YOUR CHOICE5/11/20245/12/20245/7/2024WALKERLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$100Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0433
JoinEventREC TEAM ONLY -MOTHERS DAY ONE DAY EVENT5/11/20245/11/20245/8/2024VICKSBURGMS8U 10U 12U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQCREC$150-8U, $250-10U-12UMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0202
JoinEventSCHOOLS ALMOST OUT-TIME TO PLAY BALL -2X THE POINTS EVENT5/11/20245/11/20245/7/2024VICKSBURGMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]1201
JoinEventShe-Squatch Convention 4gg5/11/20245/11/20245/4/2024BerryvilleAR8U 10U 12U 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQC$275Dannelle Tomarchio(757)297-5131[email protected]0333
JoinEventSHOWING OUT FOR YOUR MOTHER-2X THE POINTS! ONE DAY EVENT! FREE-REGISTER BY 4/15!5/11/20245/11/20245/8/2024WIGGINSMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C ClassFREE-REGISTER BY 4/15!Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]1219
JoinEventSwing Swing for the Bling Bling Free if entered by 4/1/20245/11/20245/12/20245/7/2024MarshallTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]141480
JoinEventBOMBS 4 MOMS5/10/20245/12/20245/8/2024MustangOK8U 10U 12U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOPEN8U-$125, 10U/12U-$150, 14U-$200, 16/18U-$250Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]14965
JoinEvent🌮🥎5TH ANNUAL CINCO DE MAYO🌮🥎5/4/20245/5/20244/30/2024HOT SPRINGSAR8U 14U 3 Pool Double EliminationMVPOPEN$375Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]304278
JoinEvent🎆Cinco De Mayo Fiesta 🎇🎊5/4/20245/5/20244/30/2024Victoria (Pro Event)TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$175Bulmaro Martinez(361)223-8601[email protected]377741
JoinEvent2024 Streak Tournament5/4/20245/5/20245/1/2024AustintownOH9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 3 Pool Single Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN$485Steven Fee(724)510-5305[email protected]29560
JoinEventBATTITUDE SOFTBALL CLASSIC5/4/20245/5/20245/1/2024PINEVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C Class275 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]4937
JoinEventC Class~Cinco De Mayo Pitch~Out 5/4/20245/5/20245/1/2024HumbleTX7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$180Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]222372
JoinEventCAJUN EXPRESS KICKOFF CLASSIC5/4/20245/5/20245/1/2024YOUNGSVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$175Cajun Express(337)280-4476[email protected]72668
JoinEventCinco De Mayo Free It entered by 4/1/20245/4/20245/5/20245/1/2024CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]202825
JoinEventMAY FEST 5/4/20245/5/20246/30/2024MONT BELVIEUTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C Class$250 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]8964
JoinEventMay The 4th BE With You5/4/20245/4/20245/2/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]81195
JoinEventMICAHS MISSION BENEFIT TOURNAMENT5/4/20245/5/20245/1/2024VICKSBURGMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$150Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]2440
JoinEventROAD TO OCEAN SPRINGS WORLD SERIES DOUBLE POINT EVENT OPEN & C CLASS SPLIT5/4/20245/5/20245/1/2024WALKERLA8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1535
JoinEventTHREE RIVERS SHOWCASE-NIT5/4/20245/5/20244/27/2024Poplar BluffMO12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$375Terry Schnurbusch(573)979-1194[email protected]13839
JoinEventSpring Fun4/28/20244/28/20244/23/2024Kenedy TX10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationNITOPEN & C Class$100Doug ONeal(210)912-2166[email protected]0779
JoinEvent🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🥎BATTLE IN THE PINES🥎🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲4/27/20244/28/20244/24/2024LUFKINTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQMVP$175Devin Trotti(936)414-4858[email protected]91530
JoinEvent🎗️Autism Awareness Open and C Split Bracket (Check out Awards & Format!) 4/27/20244/28/20244/23/2024Round Rock 🥎 Hall of Fame Softball Complex TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 1 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$100 Enter after 1/31 $175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]405609
JoinEvent3️⃣⬆️8TH ANNUAL 3UP 3 DOWN⬇️3️⃣4/27/20244/27/20244/24/2024RUSSELLVILLEAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN$275Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]314827
JoinEventApril Showdown NIT Double Point Event4/27/20244/28/20244/22/2024BrenhamTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN$200Derrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]91701
JoinEventAutism Awareness Fundraiser4/27/20244/28/20244/24/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$180Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]192207
JoinEventCAJUN SWAMP CLASSIC FREE ENTRY SIGN UP BEFORE JAN 1ST AFTER $1754/27/20244/28/20244/23/202412U YOUNGSVILLE & 10U 14U 16U 18U SCOTTLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketNITOPEN & C CLASSFREE ENTRY JOIN BEFORE JAN 1ST AFTER $175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]335652
JoinEventPLAY FOR AUTISM AWARENESS 5GG MVP TOURNAMENT DOUBLE POINT EVENT4/27/20244/28/20244/23/2024WALKERLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1756
JoinEventSPRING CLASSIC--BATTLE AT THE BORDER4/27/20244/28/20244/23/2024McAllenTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Carlos Rosales(956)222-6703[email protected]221167
JoinEventSpring Ito Action Free if Entered by 3/1/20244/27/20244/28/20244/23/2024MarshallTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]131511
JoinEventJOIN BY JAN 1ST TEAM ENTRY ONLY $75 CENLA MVP DREAM TEAM SOFTBALL CLASSICON TURF4/26/20244/27/20244/22/2024LeCOMPTE / ALEXANDRIALA6U 7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOpen & C CLass$75 IF JOIND BY JAN 1ST AFTER $150 IF PAID BY APRIL 1ST LATE FEE $200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]023
JoinEventAUTISM AWARNESS & SPRING ELITE C CLASS & OPEN CLASS SPLIT BRACKETS WIN PAID BERTH TO FASA NATIONALS4/20/20244/21/20244/17/2024MONT BELVIEUTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketMVPOPEN & C Class$200 IF PAID BY APRIL 15TH AFTER $275 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]223477
JoinEventFASA & RONALD McDONALD HOUSE LET US SUPPORT THE FAMILYS IN NEED SO THEY CAN BE WITH THIER CHILD4/20/20244/21/20244/16/2024CROWLEYLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$FREE ENTRY JOIN BEFORE JAN 1ST AFTER $175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]386527
JoinEventFutures Delta Brawl4/20/20244/20/20244/15/2024MarionAR8U 10U 12U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$225 ($100 gate fee per team)Scott Shankle(870)243-6123[email protected]2535
JoinEventLobos Athletics Presents Autism 4/20/20244/21/20244/19/2024Kenedy TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]242853
JoinEventMVP SHOOTOUT 4X THE POINTS WEEKEND 4/20/20244/21/20244/17/2024VICKSBURGMS8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C Class$150 10U-14U, $75 8UMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]5660
JoinEventREC TEAM SHOWDOWN 4/20/20244/20/20244/17/2024VICKSBURGMS8U 10U 12U 16U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQFASA REC$150- 8U $250 ( 10U-16U) NO PAPMike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0232
JoinEventReset Rumble One Day - Come out and support Southern Reset!!4/20/20244/21/20244/18/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN$100Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]153521
JoinEventSPRING STINGER4/20/20244/21/20244/16/2024MustangOK6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOPEN6U-$50, 8U-$100, 10/12U-$150, 14U-$200Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]17817
JoinEventSTEALTH SOFTBALL CLASSIC MVP TOURNAMENT DOUBLE POINT WEEKEND TURF FIELDS4/20/20244/21/20244/16/2024PRAIRIEVILLELA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationMVPOPEN & C Class$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]21175
JoinEventULTIMATE CHALLENGE4/20/20244/21/20244/18/2024Heber SpringsAR8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]0582
JoinEventWild West Shootout FREE IF ENTERED BY 3/1/20244/20/20244/21/20244/16/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]252794
JoinEvent WAR BETWEEN THE STATES 4/13/20244/14/20244/10/2024LAKE CHARLESLA8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C Class$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]133550
JoinEventAPRIL SPRING BASH4/13/20244/14/20244/10/2024WALKER LA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$ 50 $Jeffery Williams(225)678-2176[email protected]0344
JoinEventAutism Awareness 4/13/20244/14/20244/10/2024Corpus ChristiTX8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]202188
JoinEventCLASH OF THE TITANS! DOUBLE POINTS WEEKEND!4/13/20244/13/20244/10/2024CLINTONMS8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$125Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0294
JoinEventDual on the Diamond4/13/20244/14/20244/11/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]71284
JoinEventOUT OF THE PARK PALOOZA CLASS C4/13/20244/13/20244/10/202414U BALD KNOB/ 12U SEARCYAR8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN$150 GATE FEE $5Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]213123
JoinEventOUT OF THE PARK PALOOZA OPEN4/13/20244/13/20244/10/2024Bald KnobAR12U 14U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$150Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]13831
JoinEventSoftball Fever Split Brackets Open and C free if entered by 3/1/20244/13/20244/14/20244/9/2024CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]111558
JoinEventSPRING FLING--CANCELLED4/13/20244/14/20244/1/2024Cape GirardeauMO12U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$475Terry Schnurbusch(573)979-1194[email protected]1434
JoinEventHAMMOND AMERICA SOFTBALL CLASSIC # 114/12/20244/13/20244/7/2024HAMMONDLA6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass150Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]034
JoinEventTHROW DOWN4/12/20244/14/20244/7/2024MustangOK8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN8U-$125, 10U/12U-$150, 14U-$200, 16/18U-$250Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]5507
JoinEventEaster ShowDown 12u4/7/20244/7/20244/6/2024KenedyTX12U 2 Pool Single EliminationMVPOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]7279
JoinEventROUND ROBIN BLOW OUT SUNDAY ONLY FREE ENTRY4/7/20244/7/20244/6/2024CROWLEYLA8U 10U 12U 14U Round RobinSQOPENFREE ENTRYWilber Parker(337)523-8195[email protected]51462
JoinEvent⚔️🥎BATTLE ON THE BASES⚔️🥎4/6/20244/7/20244/3/2024BALD KNOBAR6U 8U 12U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$350Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]142256
JoinEvent~🎗️Autism Awareness🎗️~4/6/20244/7/20244/4/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOpen & C CLass$180Wilber Parker(337)523-8195[email protected]21614
JoinEventApril Showers 12U C Class4/6/20244/7/20244/1/2024LongviewTX12U 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]10749
JoinEventApril ShowersOpen FREE IF ENTERED BY 3/1/20244/6/20244/7/20244/1/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]264067
JoinEventCancelled - BRING THE HEAT!!!!! 4/6/20244/7/20244/4/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN$150Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]51653
JoinEventCAPITOL CITY BLOW OUT C CLASS & OPEN CLASS SPLIT BRACKETS4/6/20244/7/20244/2/2024WALKERLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOpen & C CLassFREE JOIN BEFORE APRIL 1ST AFTER $175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0737
JoinEventEaster ShowDown4/6/20244/7/20244/4/2024Kenedy TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationMVPOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]253134
JoinEventTEXAS STARS C CLASS OR OPEN CLASS4/6/20244/7/20244/3/2024MONT BELVIEUTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C Class$180Wilber Parker(337)523-8195[email protected]232625
JoinEventWIGGINS OPENING DAY-FREE ENTRY-REGISTER BY 3/154/6/20244/6/20244/3/2024WIGGINSMS8U 10U 12U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$75 (FREE-REG BY 3/15)Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0234
JoinEvent🐰🐣🥎9TH ANNUAL EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA🥎🐣🐰3/30/20243/30/20243/27/20246, 8, 10U @BRYANT- 12, 14U @MalvernAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$300Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]384505
JoinEvent🥎🐣🐰Easter Eggstravaganza🐰🐣🥎OPEN3/30/20243/30/20243/27/2024Bryant. Bishop ParkAR8U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$100Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]9915
JoinEventEaster One Day Funday3/30/20243/30/20243/28/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]6947
JoinEventSlide Out~🐰 Play 🥎 in a Day~ All Games Count Split Brackets3/30/20243/30/20243/27/2024HumbleTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]122854
JoinEvent🌈Slide into the Rainbow Split Brackets open and Class Separated3/23/20243/24/20243/20/2024TomballTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$125 Enter after 3/1 $175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]113787
JoinEvent💍March into Spring FREE IF ENTERED BY 3/1/2024💍3/23/20243/24/20243/19/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]142335
JoinEventClash of the TITANS!3/23/20243/24/20243/20/2024BryantAR8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]121425
JoinEventGirls Raised in the South!! Time to get Gritty!! Come out and support G R I T S Softball!!3/23/20243/24/20243/21/2024HoumaLA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN$150Mike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]223739
JoinEventLUCK OF THE IRISH IN THE RIVER CITY3/23/20243/23/20243/20/2024VICKSBURGMS8U 10U 12U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$75Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0196
JoinEventMarch Madness3/23/20243/23/20243/20/2024Kenedy TX8U 10U 12U MVPCAMPSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]21042
JoinEventMARCH MADNESS ON THE BEACH TURF FIELDS3/23/20243/24/20243/19/2024GALVESTONTX12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOpen & C CLass$250 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0781
JoinEventMVP MARCH MADNESS C CLASS 5GG3/23/20243/24/20243/20/2024YOUNGSVILLELA12U 14U 3 Game BracketMVPC$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]121210
JoinEventMVP MARCH MADNESS OPEN CLASS TOURNAMENT3/23/20243/24/20243/20/2024YOUNGSVILLELA10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game Bracket Split BracketMVPOPENFREE ENTRY JOIN BEFORE JAN 1ST 2024Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]215843
JoinEventSpring Break Bash3/23/20243/24/20243/20/2024Corpus ChristiTX8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]342781
JoinEventSEASON OPENER3/22/20243/24/20243/19/2024MustangOK6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN6U-$50, 8U-14 $100Kelsey Jones(405)521-7067[email protected]14933
JoinEvent💐🥎SPRING SWING🥎💐3/16/20243/16/20243/13/2024HOT SPRINGSAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$250Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]91829
JoinEvent🥎All Games Count💪 Open and C Class Seperate3/16/20243/17/20243/10/2024Tomball & MagnoliaTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$150 enter after 2/14 $180Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]122519
JoinEventBATTLE ON THE BORDER VI3/16/20243/17/20243/10/2024Denison TX8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN$225 $175 8uuse Ron Nixon(903)624-3779[email protected]1519
JoinEventBring on the Bling Bling 5 GG FREE IF ENTERED BY 2/15/20243/16/20243/17/20243/12/2024CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]4923
JoinEventCANCELED DUE TO HEAVY RAIN EASTER BUNNY BLOW OUT 3/16/20243/17/20243/12/2024MONT BELVIEUTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$250. NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]112578
JoinEventCBC Spring Bash3/16/20243/16/20243/11/2024ConwayAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Keith Hinson(501)733-3553[email protected]385950
JoinEventInterState Tournaments 2nd Annual St Patty s Day Bash3/16/20243/17/20243/15/2024KenedyTX8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]3754
JoinEventSPRING SPECTACULAR NIT (1st-4th RECEIVE PAID WS BERTH TO PORTLAND OR GALVESTON)3/16/20243/17/20243/13/2024McAllenTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$150Carlos Rosales(956)222-6703[email protected]8952
JoinEventTurf Wars MVP 5GG Free if entered by 3/1/20243/16/20243/17/20243/12/2024NatchitochesLA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]0382
JoinEvent☃️5TH ANNUAL THE YETI☃️3/9/20243/9/20243/6/2024BRYANTAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]305618
JoinEventBAYOU COUNTRY SPRING OPENER 1-DAY EVENT 3/9/20243/9/20243/7/2024HOUMALA7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$$FREEMike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]51573
JoinEventC Class Play in a Day Spring Break Bash WIN PAID BERTH TO NATIONALS3/9/20243/9/20243/3/2024Tomball TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQC$125 Enter after 2/24 $150 NO GATE FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]63328
JoinEventDOUBLE POINTS MARCH MADNESS EVENT 3/9/20243/9/20243/6/2024VICKSBURGMS8U 10U 12U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$75Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0220
JoinEventLuck of the Irish Free if entered by 2/1/20243/9/20243/10/20243/5/2024LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$175 FREE IF ENTERED BY 2/1/2024Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]303752
JoinEventMarch Madness3/9/20243/10/20243/6/2024Pearsall TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]1406
JoinEventST PATTY IN THE GATOR SWAMP3/9/20243/10/20243/3/2024LAKE CHARLES LA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN & C CLASS$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1885
JoinEventThe Yeti OPEN3/9/20243/9/20243/5/2024BryantAR10U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]8860
JoinEventPlay in a Day🥎All Games on Sunday3/3/20243/3/20242/26/2024Splendora TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined Round RobinSQOPEN & C CLASS$155~No GateBobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]181804
JoinEvent🥎🐦9TH ANNUAL EARLY BIRD🐦🥎3/2/20243/2/20242/27/2024RUSSELLVILLE 8&14U Pleasantview, 10&12U HickeyAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$250Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]314060
JoinEventChris Dickerson Memorial3/2/20243/3/20242/26/2024CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]132818
JoinEventFull~Play in a Day~ All Games Saturday 3/2/20243/2/20242/15/2024Splendora TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined Round RobinSQOPEN & C CLASS$155 Enter after 2/15 $185Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]263026
JoinEventMarch Madness Near The Mississippi3/2/20243/2/20242/27/2024VicksburgMS8U 10U 12U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C Class$75Mike Foley(870)208-6260[email protected]0202
JoinEventMardi Gras Season Operner3/2/20243/3/20243/1/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 18O 2 Pool Single EliminationMVPOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]282295
JoinEventONE DAY WINTER WARM UP - FREE 4GG 3/2/20243/2/20242/29/2024HOUMALA7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN$FREEMike Cadwell(985)855-9984[email protected]51233
JoinEventText me to enter~C Class~March 🥎 Madness 3/2/20243/3/20242/15/2024Conroe~Gene Campbell~ Willis over flow TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$125 Enter after 2/15 $180 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]544805
JoinEventFull ~Play in a Day🥎 All Games Count 2/25/20242/25/20241/20/2024See Below in Notes TX8U 9U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined Round RobinSQOPEN & C CLASS$150 Enter after 2/4 $180 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]545462
JoinEvent❄️TAAF Winter Games Of Texas 🥇🥈🥉2/24/20242/25/20242/18/2024Victoria TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN$225 Pro Event. Feb 9th Deadline Bulmaro Martinez(361)223-8601[email protected]408660
JoinEventCupid Strikesout2/24/20242/25/20242/21/2024Kenedy TX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]314065
JoinEventSliding Out of Winter2/24/20242/25/20241/22/2024Livingston TX12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationNITOPEN & C CLASS$NADA enter after 1/22 $150 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]304520
JoinEventText me to enter~C Class~Crack of the Bat 2/24/20242/25/20242/15/2024West Houston TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$185~No Gate Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]213628
JoinEventIcebreaker Classic2/23/20242/24/20242/21/2024Bald KnobAR8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single Elimination Split BracketSQOPEN$275Chris Vines(870)219-6460[email protected]101087
JoinEventC Class~4 the ❤️ of the 🥎~2/17/20242/18/20242/4/2024ConroeTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$125 Enter after 1/18 $180 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]486744
JoinEventPresidents Day Classic 2/17/20242/18/20242/15/2024Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]5715
JoinEventPRESIDENTS DAY SHOWDOWN2/17/20242/18/20242/15/2024McAllenTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Carlos Rosales(956)222-6703[email protected]241135
JoinEventSweet Heart Showdown 2/17/20242/18/20242/15/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]141181
JoinEventText me to enter~B Class Teams❤️Forever Mine Valentine 2/16/20242/18/20242/4/2024Spring TX10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$225Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]163475
JoinEventFull~C Class~Sweet❤️Pitch~Out 2/10/20242/11/20242/1/2024Conroe~ScrapYard TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS175 Enter after 1/20 $200Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]408911
JoinEventFull~Sweet❤️ Slide Out 2/10/20242/11/20241/15/2024Scrapyard~No Medal Cleats TX10U 12U 14U 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$130 Enter after 1/15 $175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]317736
JoinEventLove For The Game 2/10/20242/11/20242/7/2024KenedyTX8U 10U 12U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]41036
JoinEventPlay Your Heart Out2/10/20242/10/20242/7/2024Corpus ChristiTX8U 10U 12U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]232131
JoinEventPucker Up Tournament 2/10/20242/11/20242/7/2024San Antonio TX14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]1370
JoinEvent2nd Annual Pucker Up Tournament 2/3/20242/4/20242/1/2024San Antonio TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]0420
JoinEventFASA WINTER WORLD SERIES C CLASS 2/3/20242/4/20241/28/2024PEARLANDTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationWSC$200 AFTER JAN 14TH $250Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]4112084
JoinEventFASA WINTER WORLD SERIES OPEN CLASS2/3/20242/4/20241/28/2024PEARLANDTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationWSOPEN$200 BEFORE JAN 14TH AFTER $250Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]138672
JoinEventCanceled/Rain-Out All Games Count~Sunday RR 1/28/20241/28/20241/24/2024Splendora/Conroe TX10U 12U 14U 18O Round RobinSQOPEN & C CLASS$150Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]61223
JoinEvent2024 New Year Tuneup1/27/20241/28/20241/20/2024Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]123024
JoinEventCanceled due to rain~C Class Winter 🥎 Give Away~70 Min Bracket 1/27/20241/28/20241/24/2024Splendora TX10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175~No Gate Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]252310
JoinEventCancelled due to rain ⛈️Free Entry ☃️Snowball Bash 1/27/20241/28/20241/21/2024Willis TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASSNada Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]61688
JoinEventCancelled due to rain 8u A/B in Gold Bracket ❄️ C Class Silver Bracket 1/27/20241/28/20241/24/2024Willis TX8U 1 Pool 3 Game BracketNITOPEN & C CLASSFree Entry Enter after 1/3 $100 Entry Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]162458
JoinEvent4th Annual New Years s Invitational1/20/20241/21/20241/18/2024McAllenTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125Carlos Rosales(956)222-6703[email protected]251464
JoinEventCancelled~C Class Winter Slam~Net Give AWAY1/20/20241/21/20241/16/2024Splendora TX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS160~No GateBobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]111947
JoinEventJump into January~70 Min Bracket 1/19/20241/21/20241/15/2024Spring TX10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$225Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]51841
JoinEventInterState Tournament1/14/20241/14/20241/11/2024San Antonio TX18O 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]0337
JoinEventSnowflake❄️Showdown~75 Min Games1/14/20241/14/20241/9/2024Conroe~Scrapyard TX12U 16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$$160Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]63002
JoinEvent2024 Swing On The New Year1/13/20241/14/20241/10/2024KenedyTX8U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]211917
JoinEventC Class Snowflake❄️ Showdown 70 Min Games1/13/20241/14/20241/10/2024Conroe~ScrapyardTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$160Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]345641
JoinEvent🪂Salute To Service ⚓1/6/20241/7/20241/2/2024VictoriaTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$195Bulmaro Martinez(361)223-8601[email protected]4214976
JoinEventAll~Games Count~ Saturday or Sunday RR 1/6/20241/7/20241/3/2024Conroe~Scrapyard TX10U 12U 16U/18U_Combined Round RobinSQOPEN & C CLASS$150 for 1 day or play both $200Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]142963
JoinEventHS 20241/6/20241/7/20241/6/2024PortlandTX8U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$100Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]14296
JoinEventARCTIC BLAST SATURDAY ONLY ON TURF FIELDS 12/16/202312/16/202312/12/2023LUMBERTONTX16U 16U/18U_Combined 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]3671
JoinEventChristmas HomeRun~Play in a Day12/16/202312/16/202312/16/2023Conroe~ScrapYardTX16U/18U_Combined 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$155Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]71749
JoinEventField of Dreams Championship Gold Cup12/16/202312/17/202312/12/2023San Antonio TX2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]0328
JoinEventJust Elfin Around 12/16/202312/17/202312/13/2023KenedyTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]0354
JoinEventCHRISTMAS BLOW OUT12/14/202312/15/202312/10/2023MONT BELVIEUTX6U 7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$125 PAID BY DEC 1ST LATE FEE $200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]2270
JoinEventCHRISTMAS BLOW OUT BRING NON PERSBHIBLE FOOD FOR THE NEEDY TEAM BRINGS 30 ITEMS RECEIVE A FREE ENTRY SPRING OF 202512/14/202312/15/202312/10/2023MONT BELVIEUTX7U 8U 9U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$100 PAID BY DEC 1ST AFTER LATE FEE $175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]3465
JoinEventC Class☃️Christmas Magic ❄️12/9/202312/10/202312/4/2023ConroeTX8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$125+ Each team bring a $50 gift card Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]415950
JoinEventChristmas Toy Drive12/9/202312/10/202312/14/2023Corpus ChristiTX8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$100Richard Ocanas(361)232-7187[email protected]231716
JoinEventDashing through the Competition 12/9/202312/10/202312/6/2023Pearsall TX8U 10U 12U 14U Select FormatSQOPEN$125Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]19967
JoinEventNORTH POLE DIAMOND CLASH ON TURF FIELDS 12/9/202312/10/202312/5/2023LUMBERTONTX12U 14U Select FormatSQOPEN$200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]1578
JoinEventPLAYING FOR TOYS PUT A SMILE ON A KIDS FACE FOR CHRISTMAS12/9/202312/10/202312/5/2023BROUSSARDLA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN30 TOYS OR $200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]295533
JoinEventWINTER WORLD WARM-UP C CLASS TEAMS ONLY 1ST WINS PAID BERTH TO WINTER WORLD 202412/9/202312/10/202312/6/2023GALVESTONTX14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQCSEE DISCOUNT RATES IN NOTESHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]92496
JoinEventWINTER WORLD WARM-UP OPEN CLASS 1ST WINS PAID BERTH TO WINTER WORLD 202412/9/202312/10/202312/4/2023GALVESTONTX14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPENSEE DISCOUNT RATES IN NOTESHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]92661
JoinEventBLIZZARD BASH SOFTBALL12/7/202312/8/202312/3/2023WalkerLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]3341
JoinEventPLAYING FOR TOYS LETS PUT A SMILE ON A KID FOR CHRISTMAS EACH PLAYER BRING ONE TOY 12/7/202312/8/202311/29/2023Breaux BridgeLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$100 IF PAID BY NOV.29TH AND GET A FREE ENTRY FASA SOUTHWEST 2025Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0722
JoinEvent8u/10u/12u Cancelled Due to Rain - Full~Play in a Day~Toy Drive12/3/202312/3/202312/1/20238u-12u Conroe-Gene Campbell 14u RosenburgTX8U 12U 16U 16U/18U_Combined Round RobinSQOPEN & C CLASS$125 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]451706
JoinEvent FOR KIDS IN NEED PLAY TO PUT A SMILE ON A KIDS FACE 30 TOYS FREE ENTRY FREE GUMBO FOR COACHES12/2/202312/3/202311/30/2023LAKE CHARLESLA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN30 TOYS OR $200 ENTRY FEEHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]113198
JoinEventGrinches Steel Home Plate12/2/202312/3/202311/27/2023KenedyTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$100Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]173065
JoinEventGumbo Fest Canceled12/2/202312/3/202311/28/2023CarthageTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]61103
JoinEventOpen Class~ 5GG~Katy 🎄Christmas Classic 🎅12/2/202312/3/202311/28/2023TX10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$180+Each Player brings a $5 Gift Card Enter after 10/5 $250+Gift cards Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]567603
JoinEventSANTA S STATE TOURNEY (FASA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP)12/2/202312/3/202311/30/2023EDINBURGTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Carlos Rosales(956)222-6703[email protected]421803
JoinEventWINTER BALL OUT12/2/202312/3/202311/29/2023Corpus Christi TX8U 10U 12U 14U Double EliminationSQOPEN$150/$300Michael Silvas (361)446-7652[email protected] 282747
JoinEventSkills And Showcase Pancho Claus Toy Drive12/1/202312/3/202311/29/2023San Antonio TX4 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$200Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]11036
JoinEventThanksgiving Sunday RR~70 Min Games 11/26/202311/26/202311/23/2023Conroe~Gene Campbell TX8U 10U 12U 14U Round RobinSQOPEN & C CLASS$150Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]71735
JoinEventTURKEY FEAST ON TURF11/23/202311/23/202311/19/2023PinevilleLA6U 7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0445
JoinEventC Class~ Food Bank Drive 11/18/202311/19/202311/10/2023Willis TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$75 Enter After 11/1 $125+ Each Player brings 2 can goodsBobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]264573
JoinEventC Class~Food Bank Drive 11/18/202311/19/202311/15/2023West Houston~Bear Creek Park TX10U 12U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175+Each player brings 2 can goods Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]153329
JoinEventGive Thanks 12U C Brackets 11/18/202311/19/202311/15/2023LongviewTX12U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]41752
JoinEventGive Thanks Free Clinic Given by Letourneau Coaches and Players and Free entry Tournament to follow all free MVP Event LeTourneau players will pick the MVP while in Attendance 11/18/202311/19/202311/14/2023LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketMVPOPEN & C CLASS$0Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]81648
JoinEventGOBBLERS CUP ON TURF FIELDS 11/18/202311/19/202311/14/2023LUMBERTONTX10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN200Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0549
JoinEventThanksgiving Classic 11/17/202311/18/202311/11/2023Kenedy TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$50Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]31810
JoinEventFASA SOUTHWEST GULF COAST C CLASS STATE TOURNAMENT11/16/202311/17/202311/11/2023BAYTOWN TX7U 8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSTC$150 PAID BY NOV 1ST AFTER LATE FEE $225Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]3624
JoinEvent2023 FASA FALL STATE CHAMPIONSHSHIPS11/11/202311/12/202311/8/2023McAllenTX6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Pool Double EliminationSTOPEN$150Carlos Rosales(956)222-6703[email protected]331607
JoinEventAcadiana Cajuns 2n Annual Fall Fest SALUTE THE VETERANS 11/11/202311/12/202311/6/2023ScottLA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$150.00Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]304837
JoinEventCanceled ~🥎Ball Giveaway~75 Min Bracket Games 11/11/202311/12/202311/5/2023Conroe~Scrap Yard/Gene Campbell Sunday TX10U 12U 14U 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$$150 Enter after 10/15 $175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]164040
JoinEventCanceled due to rain~C Class 10u-14u 8u A/B Gold Bracket C Class Silver Bracket Turkey 🥎Ball Giveaway~11/11/202311/12/202311/7/2023Conroe~Gene Campbell/Willis TX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$100 Enter after 10/15 $150 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]405194
JoinEventCANCELED GIVING THANKS TO THE VETS11/11/202311/12/202311/7/2023LAKE CHARLESLA8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]81311
JoinEventCANCELED PLAYING FOR THANKS & TOYS KIDS IN NEED11/11/202311/12/202311/6/2023GALVESTONTX8U 8 Silver 10U 10 Silver 12U 12 Silver 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$SEE DISCOUNT RATES IN NOTESHarlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]111087
JoinEventCanceled~🍁Fall Bash🍁11/11/202311/12/202311/7/2023Livingston TX8U 10U 12U 14U 1 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOPEN & C CLASS$$Free Enter after 10/23 $150 Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]212310
JoinEventEvery Player Wins11/11/202311/12/202311/6/2023FORT WORTHTX10U 12U 3 Pool Double ElimationSQC$75.00 First 5 Teams Get in FreeDon Watson(817)602-3747[email protected]1533
JoinEventEvery Player Wins11/11/202311/12/202311/6/2023FORT WORTHTX14U 3 Pool Double ElimationSQOPEN$75.00 First 5 Teams Get in FreeDon Watson(817)602-3747[email protected]5446
JoinEventPlayin a Day 11/11/202311/11/202311/7/2023Conroe~ScrapYard TX8U 10U 14U Round RobinSQOPEN & C CLASS$150Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]333535
JoinEventSalute to the Vets11/11/202311/11/202311/8/2023CarthageTX8U 8 Silver 10U 10 Silver 12U 12 Silver 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]111964
JoinEventSHOWCASE MOVED TO PINEVILLE WARD 10 TURF FIELDS LA GLORY COLLEGE SHOWCASE CAMP HOSTED BY CENTENARY COLLEGE11/11/202311/12/202311/4/2023PINEVILLELARound RobinSCOPEN$400Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]203529
JoinEventTurkey Shootout11/11/202311/12/202311/8/2023KenedyTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$0Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]241863
JoinEventFALL SOFTBALL SPECTACULAR11/9/202311/10/202311/5/2023WalkerLA8U 10U 11U 12U 13U 14U 15U 16U 17U 18U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSQOpen & C CLass$175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0191
JoinEventGIVING THANKS 11/9/202311/10/202311/4/2023BAYTOWNTX8U 10U 12U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN175Harlie Lanthier(337)496-5282[email protected]0201
JoinEventVeterans Day Exposure11/9/202311/10/202311/1/2023BaytownTX16U 18U Round RobinSCOPEN$795Derrick Polk(281)857-4347[email protected]2213
JoinEventWild Turkey 11/5/202311/5/202311/3/2023Cibolo TX8U 10U 12U 2 Pool Single EliminationSQOPEN$75Joe Mancillas (726)205-6831[email protected]8328
JoinEvent⭐ Lone Star Texas Class C State⭐11/4/202311/5/202310/31/2023LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]31250
JoinEvent⭐ Lone Star Texas Open State⭐11/4/202311/5/202310/31/2023LongviewTX8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN & C CLASS$ 175Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]71278
JoinEvent👻🦇HALLOWEEN CLASSIC🦇👻11/4/202311/4/202311/1/2023BRYANT/MALVERN/SEARCY/BALD KNOBAR8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$300 6U & 8U $175Shannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]235440
JoinEvent5GG🇺🇸 FASA SETX Fall State~ 11/4/202311/5/202310/31/2023ConroeTX10U 12U 14U 2 Pool 3 Game BracketSTOPEN & C CLASS$250 Enter after 10/1 $300Bobby Hair(318)617-6089[email protected]487759
JoinEventCAJUN EXPRESS FALL CLASSIC11/4/202311/5/202311/1/2023YOUNGSVILLELA10U 12U 14U 2 Pool Double EliminationSQOPEN$175Cajun Express(337)280-4476[email protected]265292
JoinEventChanging to THE YETI11/4/202311/4/202311/1/2023SEARCY/BALDKNOBAR6U 8U 10U 12U 14U 3 Game BracketSQOPEN$275 6U & 8U FREEShannon Gamewell(501)837-3825[email protected]8881